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How To Calm Down Before An Interview

If you are aware of the importance of the job interview in a selection process, it is highly normal that you are nervous. In this article, you will know some tips that will tell you how to get rid of nerves before an interview. These tips help you to relax and overcome this key instance by far.

Sweating on the hands, pounding heart and stomach knot are some of the symptoms that a nervous breakdown is about to come.

If this happens to you in the minutes before entering a job interview, you are probably only aware of the importance that this instance has acquired in the selection processes.

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1. Research The Company

If you want to make a good impression on the recruiter and not be surprised by questions you can't answer, research the company thoroughly before attending the interview.

Go beyond what you see on the website and consult with your acquaintances if they know someone who works there and if they can put you in contact so that you can answer all your questions.

2. Prepare For The Moment

Going prepared will give you more confidence because when the time comes you will not have to improvise. Review your strengths to highlight them when you introduce yourself and rehearse your answers to typical questions.

Prepare a speech of what you are going to say so that at the moment you do not delay in looking for the right words. You can simulate an interview with another person to help you notice your weaknesses, or record yourself. Doing a pretest will lighten your nerves when the real-time comes.

how to get rid of nerves before an interview

3. Prepare To Expose Your Qualities

Write a map where you put the job requirements on one side and your skills on the other. Explain point by point why you are the ideal candidate to fulfill each role.

4. Create A List Of Questions For Interviewer

While it is true that you are the main focus of the interview, your recruiter will welcome you showing interest in the company and asking your own questions. Remember that curiosity and the desire to learn can be invaluable qualities for organizations.

5. Be Yourself

Don't force a character when you come face to face with your interviewer. If your personality does not adapt to the needs of the company, it will be better if you are not hired for your own good and for theirs.

How To Get Rid Of Nerves Before An Interview

  • Be Punctual

If possible, arrive at the appointment before an hour, to avoid any complications that may arise. Orient yourself to know how to get to the address, take into account traffic, parking lots and anticipate all situations that may make you anxious.

  • Put Your Mind In Positive

Divert your thoughts that place you in the worst scenarios and mentalize that you can achieve it. A positive attitude will give you security and will make others feel confident with you.

  • Practice Relaxation Techniques

Breathing exercises like breathing in and out several times achieve effective results. Drinking relaxing teas will also help keep you calmer. These techniques greatly facilitate reaching levels of relaxation that help in these types of situations.

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Interview Nerves Medication

There are several medications for nerves and anxiety that help overcome the fear of a stressful event, such as an interview.

  • Sumial

Among the medications for nerves and anxiety, Sumial (or propanolol) is a better option than tranquilizers.

It reduces the physical correlate of nervousness like tremors, sweating, palpitations, hyperventilation, and stomach knot.

  • The Valerian

It is the best known natural tranquilizer. It acts as a sedative and relieves symptoms of anxiety and nervousness, in addition to stabilizing the heart rhythm.

Taking a cup of valerian the night before that causes anxiety, to rest better, will help calm your nerves and your mind.

  • Eat Pistachios

According to a study in the United States, the food we eat influences the physiological responses to stress. Taking 42.8 grams of pistachios a day with a low-fat diet reduces systolic blood pressure, peripheral vascular resistance and heart rate in situations of acute stress.

interview nerves anxiety

How To Calm Down Before A Phone Interview

Unlike face to face interviews, the telephonic interview is less stressful and anxious. Your 90 % anxiety will be reduced when you set up each and everything well like your question that you prepare to ask and the microphone.

One of the main things that one should do before the interview is to balance your voice tone. It should not be sharp or faint.

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Is It Bad To Be Nervous During An Interview?

Being conscious or anxious before and during an interview is not bad. It is a natural phenomenon. But if you lose control to maintain or to stabilize the consciousness then it would be not well for you.

How To Calm Down After An Interview

When you quit your interview, just take a glass of water, deep breath and left your body relaxed. Eat some good that boosts your energy and emotions.  

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