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  • 11 Different Types Of Job Interviews in Tanzania

11 Different Types Of Job Interviews in Tanzania

As the job opportunities have grown after the Covid-19 pandemic relaxation, the challenges of hiring people have grown bigger in Tanzania. Hiring people has become difficult because of competitiveness among candidates and organizations. Though hiring people is an integral part of an organization to work appropriately in Tanzania. 

job interview types

For that matter conducting job interviews are the only best option to track down a potential employee for the organization. These interview meetings aren't casual discussions; they are well structured and well sought out questions to produce maximum outcomes. Evaluation of candidates becomes easy with different approaches and types of interviews.

 Analyzing a person is difficult, knowing who would be a decent candidate for the job is a test, and setting up the prospective employee meeting process ahead of time will assist you with conquering it. 

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Terrible recruitment can be really expensive and you would be wise to reconsider choosing to have another person ready. Employers use different types of job interview techniques according to their needs to assess the candidate. However, just sit back and relax: we accumulated the best types of job interviews and tips to assist you so you can save time and resources for Tanzania State.

Group Interviews

As it is demonstrated by the name these interviews are conducted in groups of candidates. The employer questions the candidates and sorts out the candidates according to their answers. These kinds of interviews are conducted when the employer wants to hire more than one candidate and for more than one type of designation in the organization.

Phone Interviews

After submitting the resume, the employer evaluates and filters the candidates over the phone interview. The better the candidate responds to the phone interview, the better the chances to reach a face-to-face interview meeting. 

Scenario Interviews

In scenario-based interviews, the candidate is given a situation and his or her response to the situation will be noted to evaluate the interview. In other situations, a case study will be mentioned and you will be needed to solve it by making a decision. Your decision will determine your mental competency and the evaluation will be based on your decision.

tips for job interview in tanzania

Video call Interviews

Video meetings and interviews have been normalized after the world was hit by the Covid-19 Pandemic. People were isolated and bound to stay in lockdown. So people started working from home, and job interviews were conducted on Skype and other online video platforms. 


Stress Interviews

In stress interviews, the candidates are given tough situations and tasks to complete in a certain time. They will notice how you respond in a constrained environment. The evaluation will be conducted on the way the candidate dealt with pressure and stress.


The task-based Interview

It is a rare sort of job interview, in this interview candidates are given the actual task to complete as an interview assessment. 

Your competency is evaluated by the results of your task. Normally it includes written assessments, targeting sales in specific areas or resolving a certain issue in different ways.


The Lunch Interview

The lunch interview is very little practice nowadays. Still few recruiters use this technique to evaluate their prospective employees to evaluate or reactions and response in a relaxed environment. Everyone knows how to dress for the office and what formal language should be used in the office. On the other hand, meeting someone for an interview in a restaurant is a bit difficult for many people. A Lot of things can be determined about a person just by sharing lunch with them.

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Behavioural Interviews

In this type of interview, the behaviour of the candidate is considered by intentionally provoking questions about his or her previous job. The candidate is asked to elaborate on his behaviour towards certain situations that happened in his previous job. His behaviour is evaluated on the way the candidate dealt with the previous situation.


Panel Interviews

In this type of interview, the candidate is interviewed by several employers. Usually, all of the employers are of the same organization, in a few sensitive cases, employers are outsourced for conducting interviews. Mostly these kinds of interviews are used by military organizations to evaluate candidates. Panel Interviews are conducted under special circumstances to prevent mistakes while assessing the candidates.

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Seminar Interviews

Recruiters conduct seminars or job fairs in universities and postgraduate colleges. In these seminars or job fairs, the recruiters evaluate your resume on the spot and conduct interviews there and then. A candidate has limited time to compel the recruiter to hire him or her.


Structured Interviews

Structured interviews are conducted by recruiters to evaluate the basic skills and abilities. Every job description requires different skills and abilities. These basic skills and abilities include leadership skills, communication abilities, computer-using abilities, teamwork skills, ability to speak different languages, use of other softwares etc.


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